Well no pics to show just yet but I have gotten back into the swing of things. Let me tell you having a baby with a toddler is exhausting. My youngest is now 7 months and a doesn't need quite as much from mommy anymore. I have a few spare moments during the day and most of the night after about 8:30. I finally finished my moms b-day gift but can't post until after she gets it just in case she sees my blog. She's sneaky like that. I also have things in the works for a crochet rug for my boys bathroom. I had some old white t-shirts waiting to be up cycled into something. Well that something is going to be a green and blue crochet rug. I got a couple things of fabric dye and the shirts are drying as I type. Let me tell you that dye smells horrible!!! I am very pleased with the colors though. I got allot of helpful tips from Mia's boys blog on my blog list...here is her link... http://miaandtheboys.blogspot.com/search/label/handmade.
Her blog is awesome by the way. Every time I go to it just to check something on the rug instructions I find myself still there an hour later reading about her garden or her awesome little boys and there great ideas(camera set to record scotch taped to a remote control car). They are smart little cookies! I can't wait for my boys to get to that age! Any who she has some awesome videos about making the rugs if anyone is interested. I am taking pics as I go. When I get a little further along I will post some pics. Ok it is midnight so night all!
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