
Friday, July 26, 2013

Free Printable Planner Pages!!

So as of lately I have added a little more to my plate with the shop and trying to be better about the blog and social media. With all that plus starting to home school things have been a bit scattered. I have felt that I am burning the candle at both ends trying to make things work and still have plenty of family time. My problem was there was no set plan or schedule. Organization is key. When I feel things get too hectic and chaotic I shut down and can't think. So I decided to grab the bull by the horns and get my crap together. Haha! So started the search for a planner. I found this good one and that good one but none of what I was looking for exactly.

Mr. Wonderful purchased Adobe Elements for me a few years ago and I decided to give it a go and see if I could create my own. I started with a list of what things I need and made my way from there. I knew right away a monthly and weekly calendar were needed. I meal plan so there would also need to be a meal plan page, grocery page, and holiday page. We host at least one big holiday a year and having a list keeps me on track. Then I started thinking of my chaos with blogging, the shop, and my mountain of WIP's and UFO's in my craft area. This called for a blog page, shop page, and craft page.

So after a few nights of playing with adobe I finally figured it out. After picking colors, fonts, and asking my friends a million times if this and that looked good I was happy with what I came up with. Guess what......I am sharing it with all of you for FREEE!!! :) I struggled to find one that was just right for me so hopefully this will help the next person who was in the same boat as I was. I hope you guys like them!


These are in no way, shape, or form perfect but pretty good considering it is my first time designing anything like this. I really like it and it is working well for me. I left things very open on every page so it is easy to customize it for your own needs. That was one of the problems I ran into looking for a planner. Most of the were beautiful and well thought out but some of the stuff I would never use. With mine I have put each page on it's own pdf so you can print exactly the ones you need. Now I am not charging anything for these. They are free to anyone who would like to try them out but I do ask that you use them for personal use only. It took a lot of work getting these together so please do not print and sell these. They are not for commercial use.

I have a picture of how I use my meal plan if anyone is interested. We do two weeks at a time and I start buy filling in the things I know that we need and are out of. Eggs, Milk, Cheese, you know the staples. Then I go through my sales paper and build meals by the proteins that are on sale. I usually shop at Publix. I know they can be on the higher end but if you shop wise and shop sales you really can save a lot and still get good quality food. We eat very little processed food and almost every meal I make is from scratch. Even quick mac and cheese. My grocery list may not reflect everything on my meal plan because I like to buy when things are on sale so I may have had things already. Take chickens for example, if there is a good deal I will buy a couple whole chickens and then break them down myself. Saves a ton of money. Now you will have to excuse my photos of the pages. I remembered to take the photos after I had been to the grocery store. Grocery shopping for me involves a 4 yr old and a 2 year old so I am lucky they are in one piece. Ha!

So I will share the pdf's below and if you try them out let me know how you like it. Who knows maybe I will print and bind some ready made planners for my shop.;)
Ok that is everything. I hope you enjoy them! There is a Printer Ink friendly version of the meal plan for those of you who do not want to use all that red to make the pink. It does use quite a bit of red ink. Again this is for personal use only. Please do not print for commercial use or to sell. These are property of PapertoThread.
Happy Planning!
Don't forget to check out my previous post for a chance to win a Jaws inspired cloth diaper!
Edited: There was a problem with the settings on sharing the pdf. I think all is cleared and anyone with the link should be able to download the pdf. So sorry! Thank you Shameaka for letting me know! If anyone else should have any problems please contact me and let me know. I am sorry for the delay.
Linking Up!
Inspire Us Thursday at Organized 31

By Stephanie Lynn

Skip To My Lou


  1. Thanks for sharing. It appears that your documents are not being shared. This is the message I receive when clicking the links:

    You need permission

    Want in? Ask the owner for access, or switch to an account with permission.

    1. Thank you so much for letting me know Shameaka! I believe everything is fixed now and you should be able to download the image. If not let me know and I will try again.:) Thank you again!

  2. You're very welcome Ashley. I just tried all of them, and I was able to view them. Thank you for responding and fixing the issue (and so quickly at that).

    1. No problem! I was so happy you told me. I was mortified that it had been posted since yesterday and no one was able to see them. LOL I hope you find them helpful!!!

  3. You know I love how organized your wonderful printables will make my life. Thank you for so generously sharing your printables and for sharing at Inspire Us Thursday. Pinning now.


Your words mean so much to me. Thank you for making my day! ;)