
About & Contact

About Me

Hi! My name is Ashley and I am a crunchy, crafting, stay at home mom. I have a wonderful husband and two beautiful boys who keep me busy but in my free time I love to sew and bake. I am just getting my feet wet in the world of sewing and I am having a blast! I make alot of childrens clothing, toys, slippers,, blankets, and I am starting on quilts. I also love to make useful things for the house. I hope to be posting and blogging about my adventures in crafting. I would love to start a small shop selling some of my things. I guess we will see if that happens. Fingerscrossed! My yougest son is still in much need of mommy so as he becomes more independent I will be able to devote more time to my blog. Until then just keep checking in to see if I have posted anything new! Thank you for checking out my blog. I hope you enjoyed it! And thanks to my little sis who set this up for me!!

I really enjoy all your wonderful comments and will always try my best to respond in a timely manner. You are also welcome to email me anytime here....